Wednesday, January 25, 2012



There are certain topics that have fallen under the spell of 'political correctness' which have flourished in this toxic and vile construct. It has validated politics as the Realm of the Gods, and what's more, it has 'Psychopath' written all over it. When infantile and childish men and woman make decisions based from a indoctrinated psychosis, many thousands of men, women and children die daily as consequence, and continue to do so. We know now this consequence falls short of the present unified global governmental agenda, mainly under the guise of Foreign Policy, and what's more it stenches of EUGENICS. A de-population program which has gained massive momentum since the end of World War Two. 

A green light has been given to massacre, maim, kill and destroy humanity by deception. Implementing this destruction through legislation, laws and political insanity daily, as more and more of our so called leaders fall under the spell of 'diplomacy by death'. Now we have the pleasure to see the start of western civilization placing women at the helm of political death squads so that any atrocities cited will be their responsibility as well. The men have had enough limelight poured onto their coffers, and now its time to grandstand the 'whores of politics' as the witches of the modern day gulag. There is definitely something wrong with this picture. Sadistically wrong.

As certain high courts mount their cases against the latest 'rat pack' of rogue politicians whose decisions have added to the continuum of illegitimate Foreign Policy war machines, again maiming and killing hundreds of thousands of innocent indigenous people of some of the oldest civilizations here on earth, all in the name of politics. We again see what happens when humanity is given the concept of imperfection in the external sense by people who create the mediocrity you breathe daily. These insidious decisions has left the secret boardroom meetings of warmongers and now legitimises itself in houses of parliament, globally. What makes it more fascinating is that youtubing the latest atrocities in the Middle East, you can see these children being carried away by their fathers and uncles with the sides of their faces blown off by a bullet with 'Made in the USA' written all over it. 

So now the next phase of legitimacy is raising its ugly and devilish head. The new death squads of NATO are now roaming the streets of the Levant*, killing men women and children randomly, because the wearers of this ambiguous uniform are doped up to the hilt on psychotics, ready to shoot at anything that moves. All created in the labs of the World Health Organisation, the same place where they invent these toxic mercurial concoctions they call vaccines which kill millions of our children annually, or turn them into autistic zombies. 

I know some of you who read this will blow this off as a 'Propaganda Piece' because you have been silenced by your own fear, then move on to your nightly dose of 'Reality Shows'. But let me seed a little thought in your damaged minds. Your true potential is to not let this go on. Yet you don't see it. You find ways to hide yourself away from this madness from moment to moment.... don't worry you're next. Because this is the hell you allow to manifest here on this beautiful planet. This is what you have allowed to perpetuate because of your insistency in believing you are free. This is the promised land you've created. This is the 'garden of eden' you have helped create by your apathy. 

I used to feel compassion and empathy for you, but now as I write this trash which should never have been written, I hold in my heart only the hope for those who have been proactive in preventing this evil. Praying to the 'Divine Earth' to keep them safe until all those who have done nothing perish. And perish they will. Not by the hand of your murderous gods, but by the hand of each others blindness. As I step over your rotting carcasses and take the keys to your house and car so finally I can have a roof over my head, and a decent car to drive, your memory will fade faster than I can use the resources which blinded you. Then if someone knocks at the door of the house I open with your keys, I will let them in, feed them, nurture them and continue to take responsibility for their well being. I will give them your car, maybe let them have your house. As I go from street to street, house to house in desolate neighbourhoods empty of apathetic fools, I will endeavour to fill these houses with the homeless you spat at, the poor you shunned, the children that were bashed by the bullies you turned your children into. 

Only then can we rest. Only then can those of us who have taken the beatings from the religions you've created and the poisoned politics you've validated because of your disrespect for humanity , only then will we truly do what you could never do. Respect and love our humanity.... and it will flow onto mother earth and cover your disrespect of her with new blossoms which will be forever cared for.
*The lands in the eastern Mediterranean, covering Syria, Lebanon, Israel, Palestine, Jordan, Iraq.

STAY SACRED if you dare.

© David O'Brien 2012

Sunday, January 22, 2012



It seems funny, having had many years of Fluffy Spiritualism (another damn 'ism'), that the overall population are still trapped within the 'Fear Matrix' and have found no way out. This, mind you, includes all of those fanatics in denial of this beautiful earth they are standing on, who still look to the skies for some sort of messianic saviour to take their role over of doing their part in this great journey we are facing at this moment in time. Still after digesting many fads and disciplines seemingly sent from above, that nothing really has happened for their lives to get better. In fact, it is exactly the opposite. Like the 'Hippy Culture' of the sixties many of them are burnt out , but not for the lack of trying. 

So now, like before, these souls are caught in an inextricable* web of deceit. Now returning into the 'Fear Matrix', as there is no escape for them and are destined to replay old destructive behavioural patterns over & over again. Their days have become overwhelmed with finding ways of 'escapism'. A lot of these souls are now 'workshop junkies'. Spending hundreds, if not thousands of dollars each week to experience other perceptions and rituals into being freed from this deceptive mess. Their children are becoming more confused with the information being fed to them by these fanatics who believe whole heartedly they are marked for 'Enlightenment'. 

So where did they go wrong?

For thousands of years we have had our focus taken away from 'Mother Earth'. Our collective gaze been coerced to the skies for any sort of divine help. A mandate which the 'Powers That Were' extrapolated trillions & trillions of dollars from all of us over centuries to make into a illusory reality for all to exist in. So here we are. A 'Bubble of Fear' now surrounds the planet. Any external intervention has been locked out by our own doing because we did not believe in ourselves. Giving up our divine right to exist here on 'GAIA'. Not connecting to 'Mother Earth' and buying into false religious doctrine which vilifies anything feminine. The 'woman' has been turned into the 'whore' and men have bought into this hook, line & sinker. 

As we move to the 'Processional Equinox' on 12/21/2012, what exactly is going to happen? Well let me give you a slight indication. Men who still hold the ideal of 'woman are inferior' will start to implode. The 'Mother' is waking up. When she is fully awake, which will be sooner than later, those who have harmed her and who have followed the men who are raping her will feel her pain. Their insistency to hold onto these oppressive mindsets will be their downfall, nothing else. Their need to take responsibility for this should be the 'highest priority' at this moment in our evolution. There needs to be a balancing of 'feminine energy' in the patriarchal system. So now, because of mens refusal to address this balance, it is time for this balance to occur on a universal level. 

We are now being prepared to go on the 'Universal Stage' as a collective divine destiny. We are being primed to interact, on a universal level, and to fulfil our role within the Galactic Godhead. So guys, get prepared. This 'Divine Insurgence of Feminine Energy' will free you from this 'Fear Culture'. The one we have desired to disconnect from for thousands of years.....

Enjoy the ride..


© David O'Brien 2012

*in·ex·tri·ca·ble ( n- k str -k -b l, n k-str k -b l). adj. 1. a. So intricate or entangled as to make escape impossible: an inextricable maze; an inextricable web of deceit.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012



We are finally here. We are embedded in a year that has had the most marketing capabilities of creating massive revenue to the Corporate Agenda in human history. We have, as a human collective imagination,  been affected by this date en masse since the integration of the Mayan Mythos into western culture. We do not know that the Mayan Council has stayed silent for 527 years up until 2010. Information regarding the 'Mayan Story' has filtered out ONLY through Academic circles and has gained momentum in a monumental way. Humanity has embraced this information with open arms, not by choice, but by design. This bank of unsolicited  information has the backing of corporate sources to expedite a continuum which has been fed into the human collective imagination since the invention of the Victim/Perpetrator paradigm through all Abrahamic Religions 2000 years ago..

Our minds dwell in a massive predation where we cant seem to eject ourselves from. WE know there is an unseen enemy but we can find them. We have embraced 'Political Correctness' as a new language, and now live under it cancerous spell. Through this portal of political mediocrity, we have now made GOD our enemy. The hybridised vicissitudes of Human life have now taken on a new and ignorant path. Directed by false prophets and seers, whose only declaration to existence is their psychopathic delight in watching millions of us deteriorate and die daily. This is their food. This is what they eat.

So you think your GOD is not capable of creating such atrocities as you continually blame humanity for these deeds. Always denying your GOD has anything to do with the actions of these 'Psychopaths'. You have been on this earth for such a moment, a moment where your divinity has been served to you in a polystyrene plate with Aspartame as the drug of choice. This disfigured symbology haunts your dreams.  Savages your family and friends to such an extent that you will create new personas to deal with it. So the 'Original You', lies in the back of your mind, saddened by what it sees but nevertheless still detached and full of apathy. You have given up your right to be Divinely Human and taken second best. As long as no harm comes to you or your family you do not have the impetus to be pro-active in creating the world the 'Original You' has suggested, time and time again. You sway in your deliberations of choice, you rely on brittle and stoic information to feed your soul. You wait for Prophets who sell millions of DVD's, parading their vacuous ideologies in front of you the way the rich tantalise you with their toys.   

Still, you cry yourself to sleep with a sadness that never seems to dissipate. It stays and haunts you in your slumber. Your children are taking on your fear as if they were theirs and theirs alone. You empty yourselves into these innocent minds as though you think it is your birthright to do so. You look for ways out of this madness but your pride will not let you leave. Your madness is becoming apparent even in close quarters. Your family, friends and close acquaintances are watching you crack open.... as this ever-evolving fear grows larger inside your heart and mind. You share it with no-one because you are the one who needs to be in control of your life. You don't want other people to think you are weak and frightened. But you are. In your own fragile way, you are. 

We all are.

But let's together IMAGINE a world
where everyone is loved,
everyone is fed,
everyone is creating
in the true Garden of Eden.  

Let this fear go 
It will thank you for its freedom
and you can thank it for yours.


© David O'Brien 2012

Sunday, January 1, 2012



O magik earth, I dreamt of you again.
The men who are bound by your Nature
Are getting ready, once more, to open the gate.
There is a family of imaginations here
To keep that gate open in your Honor.

I sat aside a rock which talked to me 
Of images of flyers, in the dark night
'These flyers' said the Rock 'are after you.'
'They belong to the 'Crooked One'
Who allows unforseen coercion to be his. 

He blinds himself hourly with his heart
His hybridised desire crushes his moment
Ego doesn't stand a chance with this tool
It is a tool of Blindness from the Never Never.
A voice of atrophy embedded in phantasy.

It introduces mediocrity into our divinity
It circumnavigates the hardness of mind.
It procreates with an abundace of me
It replicates everything except compassion
It is a feast of uncompasionate moments

I am truly content in growing, as 
I am truly content in knowing 
A depth to my obsevation, unattached.
Then my heart wretches itself, inwards
Century old pain is disconnecting from me.

Begging the pains pardon, 'We need to rest'
But we need to rest awhile, immediately.
Bind this monumental moment with forgiveness
Cross the line of understanding, to knowing
Replicate the pill of knowledge, then take it.

In letting go, I free the moment of itself
Then bathe in the mystik sunshine, daily
With other tired men, widowed men
Sipping surreptitiously, the acid rain of lies
Getiting drunk on deforming all sacredness

I am bare to embrace this with my imagination
Too bare for many words who take us to doom
We are 'Gods Children, not 'The gods children'
Protecting 'Mother of the Universe' daily
Imagining a mystical world 'free of fear'.

© David O'Brien 2012