Wednesday, June 14, 2023


Catholic Sorcery of the late 50's.

It is obvious that after nearly 66 years on this earth, something had been initiated at the beginning of my childhood while in institutional care by the Catholics in South Australia in the late 50's. Something so nefarious had been done to my mental state in the 17 years I was institutionalized, that it has taken me beyond many lifetimes to isolate and see what is lurking within my deeply traumatized mind. A journey I would advise NO ONE to embark on, unless you are answering a calling. A genetic coding embedded within your DNA. The King and Queen souls have been activated to the front line of this impending doom, what it seems to be, the destruction of the human species, (again). A hybridisation of man and machine. This, is of course preposterous. Throughout the historical record there have been many instances of human extinction, but lo and behold we are still here. Still breathing, still crying, laughing and experiencing the human condition in all of its glory. Have you heard the phrase "We are spiritual beings having a human experience.'? Well, are we?

 It is time for the Ancestral purging as we join the ranks of the universal ones, the ones who see beyond our self-imposed limitations, to a pure potential we are connected to. Each and every one us has a deep connection to this planet, but how many of us take the time out of our lives to really connect with her in our own intimate way. To scour the libraries of the snippets of information which has been left to humanity regarding her peril. Collectively we are decontaminating this planet of fear, left within our minds after centuries, even millennia of systemic trauma inflicted by our own true narcicisstic nature. Are we contaminated with parasitical demons who exist on a higher dimensional plane? Having carte-blanche to our collective consciousness as humanity wanders helplessly and wrecklessly into their parasitical agenda rather than our own human collective destiny.

Over the course of the centuries, there must have been some written discord on this subject. And if there is information, where is it to be found? What energy does this information carry when it enters the human psyche, and what profound changes in ones perception does it offer if you retrieve this sacred text. Scholars, Scribes, Alchemists and others who have found this knowledge go on to projecting their personal and prophetic understandings way into the future. Coding their information with an algorythmic sacredness which permeates the air we breathe even to this day.

The demonic forces at play on this planet are subtle, extraordinary, perversely hidden, and full of trickery and deception. The toxicity which enters the mind of the unsuspecting child is a death sentence, the earlier the child is infected. Subtle changes in our social politic within the state have all been transitioned and finely coordinated to shuffle very young children into the system as the awaiting predators sit in their majesty lusting for the food of power for these demons. drug of the ages, the drug of the invincible.

Within the tenets of Roman Catholicism there lay hidden spells, incantations and many more subversive manipulative ideologies bundled into a behavioral science concocted in the bowels of the Vatican, political and religious think tanks, universities and other academic institutions built for the sheer purpose of destroying the lives it is suppose to protect.The self righteous indignant narcissist is very much attracted to these evil principals, it is by no means a hard task to rally or employ people of that nature as many souls within society are already demonically possessed, and easily manipulated and controlled to think they are doing the work of the Lord. A Lord who dwell within the toxic minds of those following the path of God.  


© Copyright David O'Brien 2023