Saturday, October 21, 2023



Tell me a story, a capricious story. A story of immense importance which eminates from your soul. Ascertain which parts of your personailty are affected by this story in your day to day life. Peel all other layers of dubiousness you have ingested and attach them to your genetic spiral of hope and dreams to alleviate the distemper which your ego may be subjected to in this dimension. The animal in you needs to be fed, on a daily basis. Needs to be nurtured, loved and given safe haven till its return to source can be crafted. Can be coordinated with true insight and a balanced belief system which elevates you, not keep you oppressed. You can erect this structure in your mind. A pulse of light on a universal mission, connected to source. You have been abandoned here on earth by yourself. The lonliness you are experiencing is your desire to detach from this toxic matrix and get on with your mission. The internal grand tug of war we are experiencing inside our spatial awareness of what we identify as our mindscape, feels infected and we cannot see, hear, feel, taste nor sense the danger.

Internally we struggle in each moment while trying to coordinate a focused, decisive and grounded reality. Some more than others. But who are we internally struggling with? What construct is in the mind to harbour the malevolant whispers? Those who have not listened for centuries are now being shouted at within. Where do these voices come from within our minds? Are they remnants of the old world struggle still embedded in our genetics? The voices still connected to the same minds we encoutered along the way to this current reality. Those who have been collateral damage of collective ignorance are the ones repeatedly returning for the same treatment they received last time they failed. And fail we all will. For what has been implanted in, and poisoning our collective psyche is about to show itself. Are you ready?

 You have given refuge to this parasite for millenia inside your mind, being fed its agenda, and you, like a good little labrat, are carrying it out with precision. Your compassion and empathy have been compromised to such a degree, you are dangling in this reality like monkeys in a tree. You are so swayed by collectivism you are manifesting it into existence with an already fried imagination. You stumble, tumble and mumble, self policing your ideals and dreams like an executioner. But are you ever humble?  Where is your awe of existence? The hard work has already been done for you by the 'Mother of All', and her acceptance, her sheer tenacity to defy the Prime Creator and journey here to be here with us on this journey through FEAR, is what is inside every woman, but not every man. 

The pure indulgence of fantasy and fanatacism has bled into mens minds throughout the centuries because they are not grounded in this reality. They are maifestations and guests of the divine feminine in this reality. They are expendable if they've not been grounded into the Sophianic Accord. So women carrying this light have a duty to contractually and responsibly take each man into the Sacred Milk of her Wisdom. AND PLANT HIM like a flower, murmuring mantras of self trust and inclusions of grace and nobleness. Only then will man comply collectivelly in peace. Only then will man feel the force of this evil implanted in us and have a starting point to which he can protect while waking from a deep regret of what he has allowed to happen. Has woman forgotten her sacred contract with mortal man? Her inner beauty, her guidance, her connect to the Divine Mother, her natural insight are tools given to her to protect man on his Sacred Quest to finally allow the collective imagination to dispense of evil once and for all and not use it a a crux to exist. What is so ironic within the feminine psyche, is her detachment from the Wisdom Goddess from within the constructs of her own mind. Severed the connection and now is flailing retrospectively and respectfully with disconnected obnoxious ignorant naiive man. He will show her Hell, for he is the embodiment of it. 

Look at the contemporary warmongers, look at the New Globalists Statesmen circling like vultures with his male bride in the vision of a female. Collectively we have been made to imagine someone/something elses nightmare. A nightmare so volatile, our imminent extinction is moments away, and what we were looking at as a distant shadow in our youth has now reach us, and we are extremely unprepared. Our soul memory is disconnected as we enter this realm, unabated with no knowledge of who we are and what we are here to do. Who has the power to sever such a divine intent? Where in the divine scriptures of any religion is the answer to this obnoxious riddle? There are filtered splinters of the past igniting in our minds momentarily within every thought and memory. Fractures of pleromic light which has escaped previous resets to let us know three fundamental tennets of our divine mission. 


We are not slaves, we are enslaving ourselves.


We are not ignorant, we have created ignorance.


We are not fools, we have been foolish.


So who really controls this reality? 


Stay Sacred............. if you can!

© Copyright David O'Brien 2023




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